Heat Pressing
In essence our heat presses apply a controlled temperature and pressure to an item, which can be of any description, but typically most items we heat press are -
Clothing Fabrics - T shirts, sportswear
Commercial & promotional fabrics, ie seat coverings, wall coverings
Domestic textiles, - curtains, pillow cases, cushions
Ceramic Tiles
Mobile phone cases
Specialist fabrics & products
Other promotional goods
Most of these items use the dye sublimation printing process to impart a design onto the items being heat pressed.
Dye sublimation is designed to work with polyester, either as the fabric or as a thin coating on the item.
There are exceptions to this and we have successfully printed onto other materials apart from polyester.
In addition the heat press can be used for other purposes, for example in industrial production where a process requires controlled heat and pressure.
We continue to experiment with new materials & are always willing to trial customer products & fabrics.
Much of our work is covered by confidentiality agreements.
Please note our largest heat press is 1.2 metres x 80 cm, approximately a square metre ; larger areas can be printed using step and repeat
We stock common types of white polyester cloth but also heat press customer supplied materials & items.
Call us now for a quotation 01425 489483